Image: Pinecone Records
Artists, Featured, Interview, Music

Shimla’s Guitarist Pranjal Uniyal Talks About His Debut EP, Forth And Back

Shimla-based acoustic fingerstyle guitarist Pranjal Uniyal’s upcoming debut EP, Forth and Back is all about storytelling through music, conveying emotions and connecting with people. Releasing in collaboration with The Pinecone Records & Sessions, the forthcoming EP effortlessly combines storytelling with acoustic percussive fingerstyle tunes, taking listeners on a beautiful musical journey.

0 / / Mar 06, 2019
15 Indian Instagrammers that made their mark during Inktober Art / Artists / Painting / Sketching

Every October, artists all over the world take on the Inktober drawing challenge to create one ink illustration per day – the entire month. This Inktober challenge was actually started in 2009 by Mr. Jake Parker, who wanted to improve his inking skills and make a positive drawing habit. So, he challenged himself to draw one drawing for 31 days in the month of October.

Krista Decor’s tulle embroidery designs seem to be floating in mid-air Art / Artists / Design / Handicraft

Giving an edge to her art, Russian embroidery artist Krista Decor creates such beautiful designs that seem to be floating in mid-air. She hand-stitches her embroidery designs on tulle, a fine net-like fabric with shimmering, translucent quality. This lightweight netting is so fine that it almost makes the embroidery appear to be suspended in the air.

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