
15 Indian Instagrammers that made their mark during Inktober Art / Artists / Painting / Sketching

Every October, artists all over the world take on the Inktober drawing challenge to create one ink illustration per day – the entire month. This Inktober challenge was actually started in 2009 by Mr. Jake Parker, who wanted to improve his inking skills and make a positive drawing habit. So, he challenged himself to draw one drawing for 31 days in the month of October.

Krista Decor’s tulle embroidery designs seem to be floating in mid-air Art / Artists / Design / Handicraft

Giving an edge to her art, Russian embroidery artist Krista Decor creates such beautiful designs that seem to be floating in mid-air. She hand-stitches her embroidery designs on tulle, a fine net-like fabric with shimmering, translucent quality. This lightweight netting is so fine that it almost makes the embroidery appear to be suspended in the air.

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