
Trash to Art: 27-Year-Old Artist Breathes Life Back to Waste Objects Art / DIY / Offbeat

From heavy machinery to other unused small items, there are many forgotten goods in a dump yard that seems ugly to many but to an artists eye it is a chest full of treasures – as only an “edgymind” knows how to turn “trash to art”. Using various waste metal objects, North Carolina-based artist, Melissa Bennett, creates stunning art pieces that are worth your attention.

87-Year-Old Woman Makes Stunning Art Using Microsoft Paint Art / Offbeat / Painting

When was the last time you used Microsoft Paint? Maybe in the late 80s or 90s when you were learning to use a computer in school. While the developers of Windows are likely to drop this feature in the next update (as per a news report), a 87-year-old woman creates incredible landscape paintings using Microsoft Paint.

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