Love succulents but don’t have the patience to wait for them to grow? If so, you need to get your hands on these beautiful ceramic and porcelain succulents that will never die. Taking botanical art to another level, New York-based self-taught artist Owen Mann creates handmade ceramic flowers and succulents for busy homeowners.
These stunning ceramic blooms are made from dozens or hundreds of petals. Each plant sculpture has been hand-sculpted to bear a close resemblance to peonies, dahlias, and spiraling succulents. To make these botanical art pieces, the creative artist firstly makes a model using clay, and later paints it in soothing shades of blues and greens.
The resulting porcelain succulents and flowers look absolutely refreshing as if plucked from a garden. Besides adding natural aesthetics to your home interior, some of these art pieces also serve as planters for natural succulents, wall decor pieces, as well as, candle holders.
On BoredPanda, Mann has mentioned that,
As a child, I made my toys from modeling clay from as early as 4 years old. I created everything from animals, airplanes, soldiers, sports figures. I really would make anything I could imagine. I made my first flower at age 10 and it was a red and white Rose for my mother. I knew then that I would always be able to go back to making ceramic flowers to make money but didn’t do so until I was 26 years old.
So, far Mann has created nearly 1,000 of these natural-looking ceramic plants. You can see more of his faux flora on Instagram, and even purchase these Floramics on his Etsy shop.
Via: BoredPanda