Whether you’re a pet owner or not, you’re going to like these stunning realistic pet portraits by Ukrainian artist Yana Khachikyan. People express their love for animals in many different ways, and for Khachikyan, stone painting is her favourite way of showing how much she loves these furry creatures.
Using oil paints, she has created an incredible series of pet portraits on small pieces of rocks. She likes miniature paintings, and stone is a good medium for her to create something that she enjoys the most. Not just random animals, she paints pictures of the pets of her clients, who want some memorabilia of their adorable four-legged friends.
For Khachikyan, the entire painting process is quite exciting. But sometimes she needs to be more careful when she’s making a portrait of late pets. The clients are quite sensitive about portraits of their late pets, meanwhile, the process of making such portrait is also quite saddening for her. She understands how important it is for the owners of those pets, so she works twice harder to deliver the best result.
She herself has a cat, therefore, she knows well how people get attached to their adorable pooches or kitties. We all are somehow sensitive to our pets and want everything perfect for them. Keeping this in mind, Khachikyan tries to create happy moments for pet owners to cherish their whole life.
Even you can request her to make a picture of your pet on Etsy, and also see more of her creations on the same site.