You not always have to go to an art class or do a special course to learn “Art.” It’s all about your inner creativity and happiness that together lead you to create something artistic, no matter you’re a professional artist or from any other professional field. Sarah Postner from Austria is one such artist who is a veterinary student, who brings out her artistic side by creating animal paintings on wood.
Her love for animals is so strong that she paints only animal portraits on wood slices. Using acrylic paints, she creates detailed animal paintings on very small wooden slices. She has created miniature wood paintings of different animals and birds – including tiger, cat, octopus, owl, wolf, penguin and more.
Each painting boasts realistic animal eyes, fur, and patterns on the body. According to her, wood is an interesting medium to create different animal paintings. Another thing that makes her medium of choice intriguing is that most animals illustrated by her are found living “in the woods.”
However, on the wooden slices, the painted animals are not at all surrounded by natural green trees or plants. But wood somehow forms a connection with their natural habitat and existence.
Without further ado, let’s have a look at her interesting miniature animal paintings in the images given below. Also, check out her Facebook page to know more about her artwork.