Polish artist Igor Dobrowolski made billboards showing the greed and horrors of fashion industries and displayed them on the streets of Warsaw, Poland. In his work, he illustrates how workers are treated in the industries to create fancy clothing for fashion models.

Every October, artists all over the world take on the Inktober drawing challenge to create one ink illustration per day – the entire month. This Inktober challenge was actually started in 2009 by Mr. Jake Parker, who wanted to improve his inking skills and make a positive drawing habit. So, he challenged himself to draw one drawing for 31 days in the month of October.

For those who are not aware, let’s enlighten you that India’s first polling station for the first general elections ever was set up at Kalpa in Kinnaur district of Himachal Pradesh. With that, Kinnaurese (also known as Kinnauras) became the very first Indian community that exercised the right to franchise in the country.

Giving an edge to her art, Russian embroidery artist Krista Decor creates such beautiful designs that seem to be floating in mid-air. She hand-stitches her embroidery designs on tulle, a fine net-like fabric with shimmering, translucent quality. This lightweight netting is so fine that it almost makes the embroidery appear to be suspended in the air.

A few months ago, we acquainted you with Canadian artist Ilana Tavshunsky who paints famous works of Dali and other great artists on musical instruments. Now, we came across another talented artist, Leonardo Frigo, who illustrates biographies and stories on instruments such as violins and cellos.

It looks like nothing can limit artists’ imagination and they can paint with almost anything – provided they have “an eye” to see it. Just like Dino Tomic, Norway-based Croatian tattoo artist and art teacher, creates impressive paintings with a material that’s a staple of any cupboard: “table salt.”

Did you ever make neat crafts out of polymer clay? For instance, beads, necklaces or other sculptures. Well, you’re likely to forget all your clay art projects, after watching these detailed clay sculptures by Irish artist Shirley Walsh of Forgotten Faces – Kinsale. Her art is creatively captivating and reminds people of some local fishermen with a thankless job.

Victor from Transylvania, Romania was arrested for possession of drugs four years ago. Faced with a choice between prison time and a hefty fine, Victor chose the fine and started carving artistic skulls that would grab the attention of people who enjoy unusual decorations.

While for most of us blue jeans are just a piece of clothing, London-based artist Ian Berry, aka Denium, sees the world through denim. He creates incredibly detailed artworks made solely out of denim – as he believes that ‘denim’ is one of the dominant parts of urban lifestyle. His art revolves around melancholic urban spaces, usually depicting life in a city.

Some artists are able to create such realistic sculptures that it’s hard to believe they are made by human hands. Japanese artist Noriyuki Saitoh is one immensely talented sculptor, who masters the art of capturing features of tiny insects. He contrives incredibly realistic insects using bamboo. After looking at these Bamboo Insects, you’ll be surprised at the level of realism that each sculpture displays.