Art is a powerful medium to inspire people, as well as to convey social messages. Recently, Manali-based NGO Healing Himalayas took the initiative to clean and repaint the walls of a dull bus stop shelter in BCS, Shimla. As part of the initiative, the team brought volunteers and various artists together to raise awareness about environmental conditions through art.
Using vibrant graffiti art, the youth of the city managed to create something appealing to the eyes of daily commuters, while inspiring them to give back to the community and do their bit to preserve nature. The problem of global warming is not new to the world. While some people are doing their bit to save nature, there are many who still don’t care about the drastically changing environmental conditions.
For years, we have been negligent in cutting down trees in large numbers, pollution led by vehicles, and littering our surroundings. This has now led us to the worst condition where locals in Shimla have to queue up to fetch drinking water – as the city has officially run out of the water. Sad, but true! This is something that the city has probably never seen before. Even posts pleading tourists to not come to Shimla are going viral so that the remaining water can be utilised by the residents of the city without any inconvenience.
To prevent situations like this, the team of Healing Himayalas is working hard since 2015. Founded by Pradeep Sangwan, this NGO aims at returning the beauty of Himalayan regions to their original self, as well as making people aware of their social responsibilities towards Mother Nature. They often organise clean-up drives across Himachal Pradesh to make natural surroundings free from plastic and other sort of garbage.
But looking for a more permanent solution, this time the team of Healing Himalayas thought of using art as an effective medium for raising awareness. In mid-May, the NGO organised a cleanup drive and also gathered the youth to give an artistic makeover to the old, dingy walls of a rain shelter for spreading the message to save Earth, as well as women empowerment.
One of the paintings in the rain shelter depicts the “Melting Earth” due to global warming, and pleas people to “Save the Melting Earth.” Other paintings are also to inspire people to Save Mother Earth, and preserve water. Besides that, there is one painting that portrays that Men and Women are equal, highlighting women empowerment.
Apart from the active volunteers, the Healing Himalayas provides space and opportunity to everyone willing to join their cause, even if they don’t know how to paint. They are looking out for new artists and volunteers to bring together like-minded college students, office going people, school children, and other citizens to make a difference to society. And yes, with the help of art soon they will be making the town a colourful place to live in.
If you’re willing to do your bit to preserve nature, you can join their noble cause by clicking the link to their website. Also, find out more information about Healing Himalayas on their Facebook page.

Preserve water

Floral Pattern

Save Melting Earth