Over the years, humans have widely expanded into wild animal habitats for urbanisation. To save animals from ruthless human greed, Animal Tracks wildlife sanctuary in California has teamed up with Los Angeles-based photographer Natasha Wilson to throw a light on the ethereal beauty of 19 animals that they have saved from entering the black market trade.
Mankind has not just disturbed the life of animals for years, but are also slaughtering them brutally for their hides and tusks. Moreover, selling them in black markets, which involves capturing and selling of animals with the intent to house the undomesticated creatures as pets. Before selling, animals are imprinted by humans so that they lose their natural instincts to hunt and survive in the wild.

Cavy Family
Wilson reached out to the Animal Tracks sanctuary about a month ago and asked if she could photograph some of their animals for a small phototgraphy series, named ‘Where the Wild Things Are.’ In her photo series, she has featured 19 animals that were intended for sale as pets on the Californian black market.
All these gorgeous creatures are posed next to models wearing colour-coordinated outfits, fronting nature-inspired backdrops. Each photograph has been clicked to remind the viewers that these animals belong to their natural habitat.
Some of the beautiful animals photographed by her include an African serval, South American capuchin monkeys, and even an Australian kangaroo. These animals are still recovering from certain diseases and conditions that they faced when they were living with their previous owners.
Have a look at the beautiful side of each of these stunning rescued animals. Also, visit Wilson’s official website, Facebook and Instagram to know more about her work.

5-year-old wolf/dog hybrid

Laughing Kookaburra

African Serval

Red Kangaroo

Squirrel Monkey






Bengal Cat

Fennec Fox



Striped Skunk



Via: Metro