You may have heard or even seen some incidents, where animals have gone to great lengths to save a human life. Owing to such incident, here’s a heart-touching story of Sarah Varley, a 28-year-old rape survivor, who was on the verge of death. But life had something wonderful in store for her in form of a wolf pack that literally brought her back to life. She completely owes her life to the wolves that helped her survive the post-traumatic stress and cured her fear.
Varley is from southern California, she was raped at the age of 19. She became so terrified after that inhuman incident that she developed post-traumatic stress disorder, which further led to vomit and germ phobia two years later.
She even stopped eating and would eat only three raisins and walnuts each for breakfast. This resulted in a drastic weight loss – only 41 kg at such an age. Ultimately, she started believing that she won’t live long. But fortunately eight years ago, she came in contact with the wolves and wolf dogs at a shelter house managed by her cousins, reports Metro.
After that, she started visiting them frequently and soon formed an unbreakable bond with them. Spending eight hours every day with these wolves gave her peace and even helped her come out of the trauma.
According to her,
I do not know if I would be here today without the wolves.
Before I was scared of everything around me, but when I was with a wolf I had a legitimate reason to be scared and respectful which gave me something to be focused on.
I think that respect and that need to be present is what helped me so much…It allowed me to take back power over a traumatic event in my life and it has helped me heal.
I am so grateful to these animals – I feel very lucky.
After eight long years, she is happy and in very good health. She credits the time she spent with the wolf pack for her happy state of mind. Now, she is even planning to open her own wolf and wolf dog sanctuary to help others with the similar state of mind that she experienced.
This incident forces us to believe that these pure-hearted animals can actually do wonders to cure a person’s mental health with their unconditional love.
Via: Mirror